JPay VideoGram Recording and Sending Guides

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JPay VideoGram, as the name implies, is a feature that lets you send video to an inmate via email. You may use web camera or smartphone camera to create a recording of yourself or any persons. Videogram is meant to be short, so the duration is limited to 30 seconds maximum.

How to Record JPay Videogram

JPay VideoGram is a half-a-minute video recording and sharing feature that you can send to incarcerated one. The purpose of this service is to let inmates to keep positive connections with their family members or friends.

It has been proved over the decades that maintaining good relationship with closest persons has positive impacts for inmates. To make the effort to stay connected becomes easier, JPay has launched a service called Videogram. This 30-second feature of video exchanging has gained over 75,000 during its promotional year. The content of JPay VideoGram can range from just simple captured moments to sharing recording of important events. It also can be watched again for time to time.

Here’s how to create JPay VideoGram:

  1. Create an email first on JPay’s compose page.
  2. Choose ‘Record Video’.
  3. The VideoGram menu will appear, to start click the ‘Record’ button.
  4. A pop up message may appear to request application’s system to process the web cam and microphone. Choose ‘Allow’ to begin your recording.
  5. You may pause the recording before the end of time limit by using ‘Pause’ button.
  6. Click ‘Attach’ menu once you done with the video recording.

Keep in mind to adhere with JPay VideoGram or the corrections’ policies, or else you may be banned from using this service. The violations upon the JPay VideoGram rules may include sharing illegal information, images, or descriptions.

JPay VideoGram

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How to Attach VideoGram to Email

JPay VideoGram must be attached to emails to be sent. Not only you can record and attach this file on email, but also image and text within the email’s body.

You may attach multiple file at once, but the maximum amount attachment will be depend on the specific correctional facility. Keep in mind that the VideoGram on JPay you are sending cannot exceed 1MB in size. The attachment also can be made only after the text is typed.

Here’s how you attach multiple JPay VideoGram to the email:

  1. Follow the prior guide to open your email.
  2. Choose ‘Attach’ menu and create your recording.
  3. Repeat the second step to create more VideoGram.

JPay services are originally only able to be performed on PC through website, but it’s recently available as mobile-based application – that means you can enjoy the services on smartphone and tablet. Simply download the JPay mobile application on your iOS or Android devices, then create the VideoGram by only a single click. As VideoGrams won’t expire, the inmates are able to store the file on their account and play it over again anytime.

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JPay is a company that designs, creates, and provides technology related to inmates at correctional facilities across the USA, to offer more accessible and practical easier. JPay VideoGram is only one of the samples of all services such as email, fund transfer, music, games, movies, and more.